

          55   //   The Great God, Money   //  MoneyGodMoney.com   //   Money Defined     //   26 Jan 2012     

        55        55          gr          gr      

Real money has been historically defined as gold and silver.   Money is a form of goods and services.

Fake money defined is fiat money, it's make-believe money, it's the illusion of money, and it's federal reserve

 bank notes.   Real money has 13 main attributes - measure of value, medium of exchange, storage of wealth, and more.


Great God,





What Is Money              ...

Money Defined



What Is Money              ...

Page Content


Page One Content:   

(o)>-  Money Defined

(o)>-  The Basis of the Present Economy

(o)>-  Money as a Commodity


(o)>-  Medium of Exchange

(o)>-  Storage of Wealth


(o)>-  Measure of Value

(o)>-  Your Money Ain't What It Used to Be

Page Two Content:   

(o)>-  Charging Money for the Use of an Illusion

(o)>-  Money and the Environment Are Intimately Interconnected

(o)>-  Let's Talk Numbers





Money Defined   ...

What is Money  -- Money Defined

What is most valuable to a human being?     In third dimension reality, it's our body health.   It's our freedom -- our ability to freely chose what we will or won't do.    -If you are required to spend you time earning money, that is not freedom.   That is being a wage slave.  

In third dimension reality, in our so-called, civilized society, we must have money to survive.  Money represent freedom and because it's a scarce commodity, it represents power.   It gives those who possess it the power of command over those who don't have it.   We do the bidding of those who possess money so that those who have the money will give us some of their money. 

In a social structure in which we understand the nature of reality a understand who and what human really are, money is non existent. It has no value.  So, in our society, what is money?   

Now let's compare Real Money with the make believe (fiat) money that we us in the United States today   

In a properly functioning monetary system, money is:  

1)     A commodity  --   a forms of goods and services.  
         In and of itself, it has value,  intrinsic value. 

2)    Money is a tool used to measure value.  
         Like a yard stick measures distance,
         money is a tool to measure the value of things that are not money.

3)     A medium of exchange  --  a way to exchange things of value. 

4)     A storage of wealth.   Real money
         maintains its intrinsic value over time. 
        It doesn't rot, die, or otherwise deteriorate. 

5)     A convenient form of goods and services. 
          It can easily be moved from one place to another.  

6)   It can be divided in smaller pieces.  It can be added together
        with other small pieces to form a larger piece.

7)     A safe, secure way to exchange goods and service. 

8)     Universally recognized and accepted by others.  

9)     Consistent, reliable, and dependable.  
         It has the same value everywhere. 

10)     A  commodity which is relatively scarce and hard to acquire,  

11)   A commodity that cannot be easily counterfeited, duplicated,
          or otherwise impersonated. 

12)     A commodity that does not require any time, effort, or energy
           for it to maintain it's existence in the form that it is presently in.

13)  If exchanged in the form of receipts, (such as silver or gold certificates)
        the receipts must be transferable back into the original money at any
         time by anybody who chooses to do so.   

Gold and silver have become the standards as money because they fulfill the above requirements better than anything else.   



What is fiat money - the make believe money we use today
(Commonly referred to as currency) --:  

1)  It is NOT as commodity.   In and of itself it is worthless.    

2)   It's a poor measure of value
       because its value keeps changing     

3)   In the short term, it is a convenient medium of exchange.  

4)   As a storage of wealth, it is all but worthless.  

5)   It is a convenient form of goods and services. 

6)   It can be divided in smaller pieces. 

7)     Because it can  be counterfeited it is often NOT a safe,
        secure way to exchange goods and service. 

8)     It may or may not be accepted by others.  

9)   Because the only value it has is in what others will give you
        in exchange for it, it may or it may not have the same value everywhere. 

10)   It is not scarce in the sense that those who created it can simply create more an any  time.   

11)   It can be counterfeited.  

12)   It maintain it's physical existence in the form that it is presently in,
         but it does NOT hold its value.       

13)  It is NOT convertible to real money at face value.   




    The Basis of the Present Economy          ...

The Basis of the Present Economy 

The present school of thought (the fundamental economic belief system those presently running our economic system **rs2 ) is that the only way to create money is by lending and borrowing.   The Federal reserve loans money to banks.   Banks loan money to each other and to borrowers such as small business owners, students, car buyers, credit card holders like you and me , et cetera.   

This system provides an essential service.   It puts money (the medium of exchange) into the economic system.   But this in NOT the only way to create money and it is far from the fairest, most efficient, most functional, and least costly way to do so.   

You might also note that the reason the economy is floundering (recession / depression) is because huge quantities of money have been pulled out of the system.  (We'll examine that in a moment.)   

In order to resolve the economic crisis, the missing money must be put it back into the system or replaced with new money.   That's the publically stated purpose of the government's "bank stimulus packages."   The problem is that in the short term, pumping more fiat money into the economy works. but in the long-term, the additional fiat money produces exactly the opposite results.   The long-term effect is to take money from the people (taxpayer money) and giving that money to the bankers (the super wealthy.)   The solution requires putting money into the pocket of the working class, not pulling it out.   

Fortunately, money can be put back in rather quickly, with relative ease an simplicity, and without taking anything away from the super-wealthy except their "cash cows." **tlc3    In other words, the financial crisis can be resolved by redirecting the flow of money that is now going out of the economy and into the bank accounts of the super-wealthy --  by redirecting that money into the pockets of working class.   That's what this website and several other TLC-Life-Center websites are all about.  

The Present System Doesn't Actually Create Money.   It creates the illusion of money.  When the Federal Reserve loans money, it simply makes a ledger entry in its bookkeeping system and declares that to be money.   When banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve and then loan that money to small businesses, they too,  are lending non existent money.   This form of money is called "fiat money."  **m2    

The business owners and the general public work diligently to produce goods and services and then give/pay some of those goods and services to the lender (in the form of money) as payment for the use of the non-existent money.   This technique for milking the public for money  has been going on for so many years that it's considered normal and almost nobody questions the validity of the system.   

Reference:  Where Do  the Bankers Get the Money They Loan?     



Our Present Monetary System

Our present monetary system is based upon make-believe, upon fairytale money.   It's called fiat money.   It's the money of the American Corporate Dictatorship.   It has no value in and of itself.   It's based upon promises to pay -- promises made by Money & Profit/Dopamine Addicts.    

Fiat money fails miserably at being safe, secure, consistent, reliable and dependable.   It's inconsistent and unreliable as a measure of value because its value relative to tangible goods and services keeps changing.**ggm3    It a very poor way to store one's wealth, it has no intrinsic value, can be easily counterfeited, it's only a promise to pay, and it's not transferable into real money.   Because it  flunks the above the requirements, this makes it a difficult, inefficient and rather poor medium of exchange.   

Fiat money is, however, an incredible effective tool for theft, manipulation, and fraud.   It's a way to steal without the thief going anywhere near the cash box. 



Money Defined       ...

There is Real Money and there is Fiat Money.   

Real money:    Real money is a commodity that has an intrinsic value.   It's a commodity that has  eleven attributes:   (See the above section.)   

Real money has value in and of itself,  such as gold, silver, goats, cattle, or sheep.   Goats, cattle, and sheep have gone out of favor as money because they are a rather poor storage of wealth and cumbersome as a medium of exchange.   The two most common and most ideal commodities that serve all three functions of money are gold and silver.

Fiat Money           Make-Believe Money            ...

Fiat Money:    Fiat money is also known as "Make-believe money."  Fiat money is a piece of paper such as the dollar bills in your wallet.   Those pieces of paper have value only because someone else will accept them in exchange for goods and/or services.   In and of themselves, they have no value.   Essentially, fiat money is a promise to pay and its value is only as good as the promise behind it.   Today, it's often not even a piece of paper, rather its a bookkeeper's entry in a computer-generated ledger that exist only in that make-believe land called cyberspace.   At the risk of repeating myself: Its value is only as good as the promise behind it. 

Fiat Money --  An Analogy:   Within the famous board game called "Monopoly,"  there is a money system.    There are little pieces of paper with numbers on them -- 5 -- 10  --  20  --  50  -- 100.   These little pieces of paper represent money within the game, but outside the game, they are essentially worthless, unless you are desperate for note paper, or for toilet paper or you want to start a fire.  It's obviously  Make-believe money.   You wouldn't go to the store and expect to pay for your groceries with monopoly money.   It's valuable is  within the game only, and it's only valuable because other player in that game accept (assume/believe) that these little pieces of paper have value.    

Within the game called the American Economy,  fiat money  **m2  is exactly the same as Monopoly money is within the game called Monopoly.   It's Make-believe money!  

Fiat Money --  A Con Artist's Tool:   Fiat money is a major tool of the moneyed elite who are in control of and dominate our so-called free country.   It's the dominator- manipulators' way of creating slaves -- economic slaves -- economic slaves who think they are free.   Remember the two golden rules of the dominator/manipulators -- "He who controls the gold rules."   and  "Beliefs are far stronger and more effective prisons than anything made of stone and steel."

Fiat money **m2  is a great con artist tool because those who control the government can arbitrarily increase its quantity by printing as much as they want or simply add numbers in a computer ledger.   In so doing, they decrease the value of the money already in the economy;  they spend money without first earning it,  they steal the value out of all promise-to-pay assets (bank accounts, retirement funds, stocks, bonds, etc.), they  secretly raise taxes with it, and manipulate the public with it.  


Money and Freedom  

Money and freedom are related like one's left hand and right hand.   They are both part of the same structure.   They functional inter-dependently, they are quasi-interchangeable, but one without the other leaves the person at a serious disadvantage.   Money gives freedom and freedom allows the person to create money.   (Please remember that real money is simply a form of goods and services.)




Money as a Commodity             ...

Money as a Commodity:  

 First off, readers must understand that, in its traditional form, money was simply a convenient form of goods and services.   In other words, it had intrinsic value.   In and of itself, it had a use, a value, and a purpose.     It was a commodity that had eleven attributes.   
     1)  It was an accepted medium of exchange,  
     2)  It was a stable storage of wealth,  and 
     3)  It was a consistent measure of value.   
     See the above list
What Is Money

A commodity, by definition, is something that, in and of itself has value.  Sheep, cattle, gold, silver, gems, land and the like are commodities.   Sheep and cattle were poor at storing wealth, land was rarely thought of as a commodity because it wasn't movable, and the value of gems was hard for most people to determine.   As a result, gold and silver became the standard commodity used as money.   In and of themselves, both gold and silver have value and a uses.   

It was, and still is,  impossible to steal the value out of either gold or silver.   You cannot loan your car or your bicycle to someone unless you have a car or a bicycle.   The same is true for real money.   You could not (and still cannot)  loan either gold or silver unless you actually had gold or silver.   

On the other hand, fiat money (paper dollars, bank deposits, credit card accounts, accounting ledger entries, and the like)  are easy to manipulate, to fake, and to control.   And if you remember this basic truth, "Crooks go where the money is."  it's easy to determine where the crooks are today.   The other great advantage for the money manipulators is that the value of fiat money is based upon belief and faith.   And if you know anything at all about human behavior, you know that faith and belief are extremely easy to manipulate.   
(Ref. 1:  Degrees of Separation
   Ref. 2:  Wolves in Sheep's Clothing ')




Medium of Exchange             ...

Medium of Exchange:   

Money is still functional as a medium of exchange, but it's value as a storage of wealth and a measure of value has been intentionally destroyed.   




Storage of Wealth             ...

Storage of Wealth:   

The public is still encouraged by the financial manipulators to store their wealth in the form on money (or money-based investment such as stocks and bonds) because they (the  manipulators)  can steal the value out of the investments  and the vast majority of people will never know who did it or how it was done.   (See the pages titled:    Inflation.²   and   Why Your Money  " Ain't What It Used To Be"²  )  

You may have noticed that the vast majority of the super wealthy have a significant portion of their wealth in tangible assets such as real estate, gold, silver, gems, collectables, and the like.   The super wealthy do not put their money in CD's, bank savings accounts, or IRA's.   Why?   Because these ways of holding future assets are neither safe nor dependable.   Their rate of return is dismally poor, and  the dollars they get back at some future date from this type of investment (principle plus interest minus taxes) will buy fewer goods and services than the dollars would buy on the day they put it into a money-based investment.   




Measure of Value           ...

Measure of Value:   

As a measure of value, fiat money is about as useful as stretched rubber band is at measuring the length of a rainbow.   Fiat money has , by way of inflation, been constantly changing in value,  and the direction of change has consistently been toward a lower value.   Imagine for a moment what would happen if the length of a yard (or a Meter) kept shrinking until a yard was only three inches long.   Well, that's exactly what has happened to fiat money.  It's now worth only a tiny fraction of what it used to be worth.   For example, an item that cost one dollar in 1913, now cost twenty-five dollars.   Thus, as a measure of value the current fiat money is very confusing.   This is a great advantage to the money manipulators because the general public has no idea what's really going on.  




Money Ain't What It Used to Be             ...

Why Your Money  "Ain't What It Used To Be"

This section is so significant that, we've given it its own page.   Please go to the page titled: 

Why Your Money  " Ain't What It Used To Be"²    




It's Wakeup Time.

If you want to put an end to this rip off,  support the creation of The New Corporate World.  The NCW project is incredibly simple in its initial design and yet it has the potential to dramatically change the world.   If you are not already familiar with this concept, please see our introductory page at:   





Notes and References 

**rs2   **rs2   There are powerful special interests dominated by the mentality (the basic belief system)  of The Grandfather Generation  that can't or won't make changes. 

**tlc3     **tlc3  ...  A cash cow is a term used to describe a highly lucrative activity -- a product or business that has an unusually high rate of return (a high profit margin) .
http://www.TLC-Life-Center.info/glossary.html#CashCow  ²

**ggm3   **ggm3   Money as a Storage of Wealth:   The present economic system is based on fiat money.   Fiat money is paper money or entries in a computer ledger.  Fiat money is only a promise to pay and it's only as good as the promise behind it.   Stocks, bonds, wall street securities, corporate-owned retirement contracts, the paper dollars in your wallet, under your mattress or in a bank account are all forms of fiat money.   Fiat money holds no value in and of itself.    Because stocks, bonds, paper money, etc.,  are all forms of promises,  they are very risky ways to store one's wealth.    This has been clearly demonstrated by people whose retirement funds were held in corporate-owned retirement contracts, or by those whose retirement money was invested in the stock market.   

**ggm5   **ggm5   Fractional Reserve Lending

**m2  **m2   Fiat Money    Fiat money is a gloried form of "Monopoly" money.   It's make-believe money.   It's nothing more than bookkeeping ledger entries or paper money which the Federal Reserve creates on their printing presses with absolutely no supervision.  The real value in this money is zero, zip, nada,  nothing.   It steals its value from the money already in the economy -- from the money in your wallet,  in your bank accounts, and in your retirement investments.   

Each time the government spends its make-believe money, the price you pay for food, clothing, housing, gas,  et cetera goes up.  Here's a simple example:  In 1913, the year that the Federal Reserve took control of the American monetary system, a postage stamp cost one cent (one penny).   Today, the cost is forty-four cents (44¢).   Using "fiat" money (declared-to-be money), the super-wealthy (who own the Federal Reserve) have stolen most of the nation's wealth.   The 2009, home-foreclosure crisis is just one more step in their ongoing quest to steal the rest of your wealth and to control your life. 

The Finance industry charges its customers hard-earned, interest money (money created with blood, sweat and tears)   for the use of this non-existent, make-believe money that they (the bankers) simply plucked from the air or printed on the Federal Reserve's counterfeit-money printing presses.   With this make-believe money, the bankers  control, dominate, and milk the people for real money.  

Here's how the scam works:  You and I, small business owners, and the general public borrow their money.   We work diligently to produce goods and services and then we give/pay some of our real goods and services to the lenders (in the form of money) as payment for the use of their non-existent, make-believe money.   Then while we struggle to survive, the  super-wealthy then live extravagant lifestyles using this stolen wealth.   This technique for milking the public for money  has been going on for so many years that it's considered normal and almost nobody questions the validity of the system.  Also see:   


Also see:       The Federal Reserve:  --  Theft disguised as service.






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.  ....





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