Dean  Graziosi  aka Tony-R-  Finder's Fee-for-Connections---WOW    TLC-Life-Center     Entry Page      Created     Dec   2020  








Dimension  Consciousness








Make-Connection-Receive-Finder's Fee---3-72B

TO:   Any three people in your company

RE:  $150,000 Finder's Fee is waiting for the three of you.

*   Because you have access to
    Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi
     and/or other very wealthy people,
          i.e.  Foster Gamble,  Sam Ovens,
          Vishen Lakiani Tai Lopez, etc.
    you, and two others of your choice
     are in the perfect position to receive 
     a total of $450,000 in finder's fees.

We are simply asking you to
*   Review our message (below) to Tony and Dean.
*   Read three of our web pages (links below)
     to verify that we are working on a major project
     which will be a legitimate and profound
     Service to We-The-People.
*   Satisfy yourself regarding the accuracy of our research.
     (Read the pages linked-to below.)
*   Read our message about your Finder's Fee.
  (Link below)

*   Get together with two of your employees
     (or two of your fellow employees).
     Investigate and verify the validity of  Our-Mission.
*   When you succeed at your job:
      *1  Get one or more of the very wealthy people
           to realize what is going on around them,
      *2  Get them to see their untapped potential,
      *3  Get them to take action on: 
           The Organic, Community Garden System    and/or
           The Ultimate Worthy Cause.   (Links are below)
    You will each receive a $150,000 finder's fee.

*   $450,000 will go to the first  
     three-person-team who
     successfully completes their connection job.
*   For guidelines on how to do your job, go to:

As you know, both Tony and Dean
are so busy and so enthusiastic,
and so successful at what they are doing
that they are not taking the time to notice
how  they can dramatically expand
their already, profound services from
helping a few million to helping
everybody on the entire planet.

*   We need someone to bring our discoveries
     to their attention.
*   In order to accomplish our mission,
     we are offering your three-person-team
      a total of $450,000 in finder's fees.
*   Our mission is to create 
     a local community, organic-food-garden system
     and its National Support Network
 *   and at the same time
     prevent an easily preventable,
     otherwise inevitable,
     trillion dollar disaster.
*   Your participation is essential to everyone's success.
*   Immediate action is needed for the disaster prevention.

If you have questions,
please contact us.  (email & phone below)

<><><><>   <><><><>
Here's our letter to Dean & Tony

TO:   Dean Graziosi
CC     Tony Robbins
RE:   Expand into Service to All

Please see to it that both Tony and Dean see this message.

Do you realize how perfectly
what you and Tony are doing
fits into Fifth-Dimension Consciousness
and into humanity's
new Service to All Social Structure.?

*   You are teaching people how to take care of themselves.
     Thank you.
*   You are teaching people how to be of service to each other.
     Thank you.
*   You are teaching Self-Awareness and responsibility.
     The Seven-Levels of WHY is a masterpiece.!
     Thank you.
*   Tony is doing likewise --  WOW.!

*   Tony's seminar structure is perfect for providing the context
     in which hundreds of thousand of Humans
     can all intentionally focus on the same thing at the same time.
*   Tony's passion for feeding people
     puts him in perfect alignment with
    A community organic garden system and a national support
    network for feeding hundreds of millions of
    people three meals a day for their entire lives.

     *   This produces healthy food,
     *   Jobs for anybody willing to work,
     *   Money and/or  Free Food for all participants,
     *   Ends dependency upon Cabal-criminal-controlled,
          corporation-produced food laced with poisons
          and devoid of nutrients.

Dean, Tony, to your already incredible talents,
May I help you add  Full-Fifth-Dimension Consciousness.  

I can bring your attention to several aspects of
what the Universal Cosmic Transformations
are in the process of bringing to us.
Here are two examples.
Money --  Banking    Six-Major-Banking-Frauds  
Money  -- The Death of Money .     ....

I can be of valuable service to you
as your 5th-Dimension Advisor Consultant

I AM a    Visionary,   and a   Psychic,
*  I see what others don't see.   
See example.
*    I am a Fifth-Dimension Systems Designer.    See example
*    I am a teacher of Fifth-Dimension-Consciousness.
*    I wrote the first book ever published in
      Fifth-Dimension style and format.
*   I have 32 years of study, research,
      and experience
in this field,  
*   I am also the Discoverer/Designer/Creator of

I can bring you up to speed
in a relatively short time.

I await your reply.
Thank you,
Blessings Be Llove   (love)

Robert Cote'  and  Aum   FahZoom
1-818-727-0727   ....


Dean,  take Briana,  Luka,  and   ____ to
The First Lost Secret of
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.
Teach them
The Art of Giving Llove.
Practice together with them.
You'll be amazed at the results.

Message Sent to Dean Graziosi    
     Date sent   10 Jan 2021     to




F.R. 18-03-09

TLC-Life-Center .

Thank you,
Blessings Be Llove   (love)

Robert Cote'  and  Aum   FahZoom




F.R. 18-03-09

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