Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient- content


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Dimension  Consciousness










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14 Oct 19

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Introduction & Basic Infrmation    000 --039
 *   Everybody-Has-Major-Pieces-Missing   000
*   Why-We-Are-Here-on-Earth.     .....007
*    Find-Yourself..    009
About-TLC-Life-Center     011

<><><><><>   <><><><><>   <><><><><>
Money     040--079

An Example of Our collective Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient:
*   Six-Major-Cabal-Banking-Frauds    041

The Final Solution to the Money Problem
*   The-Death-of-Money   044
*   Understanding-the-Source-of-Money    0 45 

<><><><><>   <><><><><>   <><><><><>
Physics -of-Consciousness     080--119

*   First-Universal-Law-of-Llove.     080...
*   .A-Real-Life-Chess-Game..     .....083

<><><><><>   <><><><><>   <><><><><>
Call-to-Action   120--159

*   What can I do.?   How can I help.?     120

*   Fulfill The Ultimate Worthy Cause     120

*  Our health and our freedom requires that
     we take back control of production
     and distribution of or own food.                  130
     Local-Community-Organic-Gardens.    .

*   Join one of the Earth-Recovery Teams.      133

><><><><>   <><><><><>   <><><><><>
The Criminal Challenge    300--349
Deception -- The Ultimate 3rd D.Weapon  
                   The Invisible Prison

*   Situation Update

><><><><>   <><><><><>   <><><><><>
The So-Called-Good Guys   350  399
*   President Trump--    350
    Third-Dimension Genius   Fifth-Dimension Idiot

*   Cycles of War

<><><><><>   <><><><><>   <><><><><>
The Winning Strategy    400 -- 449

Cooperation-and-Mutual-Support..     .434....



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Your Ignorance/Idiot Quotient

is that portion of
your full,  Human-Consciousness
that you'd be wise to know,
but you don't know      and
you don't know that you don't know.

Every one of us, without exception, has
huge amounts of information hidden in
his or her Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient.
This website is about assisting people
to find their own hidden information.

For the full story go to:

Humanity's  most-life-changing-missing-pieces
are listed below. on this page.

When we were born into human life here on Earth,
we were required to forget our full-Cosmic-Consciousness.
One of our present-day jobs is
*   To remember our most important,  missing pieces.
*   To remember What and Who We Are.~
*   To remember How the Universe functions,~
*   To remember The Rules of Reality.
For almost every Earth-Human,
Awareness of our full cosmic consciousness is incomplete.
Thus, in our personality consciousness, 
(i.e.  in our self-awareness)
almost all of us have
major pieces of information MISSING.

We are incomplete human beings.

On this page we'll list many of
the most common missing  pieces.
In addition to what is aleady here,
there are dozens of missing pieces
 to be added to this page.

We invite you to examine the list below and 
see which pieces you have yet to remember.

<><><><  000   <>><><>

*   Section Title    ..Everybody-Has-Major-Pieces-Missing.     .....
*   Section Address     ..     .....


To Page-Content


C S 18-06-22



TO   Everyone Who Chooses Llove
RE:   Finding Yourself
FROM:   Robert Cote'

The Existence of God/Goddess
in not something you prove or disprove,
It's something   
YOU Realize   YOU are.

To find the missing pieces of your own consciousness,
go to:

If you need assistance in
finding the content of
your Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient,
Contact us. 

Here's the Real Question:
When you discover inside of your own consciousness
A major, missing piece,,

Blessings  Be Llove     (love)
Robert Cote'   aka    Aum FahZoom
Core Member,  Earth-Recovery-Team,  
Money-Division, Team Leader

<><><><> 009  <><><><>
*   Section title:     Find-Yourself..     .....
*   Section Address:     ..     .....


To Page-Content




Money --  Banking    Six-Major-Banking-Frauds~

These six lies have been peddled
to the the people in the United States
for 108 years and still,
almost nobody is paying any attention.
This cartel of organized criminals
 has grown to become a world-wide phenomenon.
And if not stopped, this disease, this  parasite
will eventual kill most of humanity
and keep the rest as mindless slaves.

Right now, today,
You are an unconscious, mind-controlled slave.  
Most people are wage-slaves.
Most of the wealthy  are
Money and Profit Dopamine Addicts
and they do NOT know they are addicts.

Are you aware that making large amounts of money
has the same affect on the human brain
as does 
Snorting Cocaine.?

For the Full Story: 
Banking    Six-Major-Banking-Frauds~

Did Yo Know.?     Well, Now You Do.

<><><><  041   <>><><>

*   Section Title    ..Six-Major-Cabal-Banking-Frauds.     .....
*   Section Address     ..     .....


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F.R. 18-03-09

Missing-Piece #044


The most profound opportunity
that has come to humanity
in all of its entire existence.
is sitting right here in front of you, in plain sight

has made an amazing discovery

In response to this discovery,
we are building   A Special Action Team 
of   self-aware people~
to share our discovery with each other and then,
as a team, share it with anybody and everybody

who chooses Llove, Joy, Freedom, and Abundance.

This discovery is  global in scope.
When implemented,
it will literally change planet Earth's entire social structure. 
Nothing will ever be the same again.

Examine the discovery at:

then, come back here and
answer the two questions below.

*   Once you know that no other civilization
    in the entire galaxy uses money. . .
*   Once you know the Earth humans
     will soon be living in a world without money. . .
*   Once you know that
      The Death of Money is a Cosmic Certainty . . .
*   Once you know that your life
    is going to change dramatically
    after the Death of Money . . .
*   How are you going to respond
    to this new information.?

*   Now that you know   
        what you didn't know
             only a few minutes ago,   
                  what are you going to do today
                       that you didn't do yesterday

<><><><><>   <><><><><>
Find the  Full Story at:

<><><><  044 <>><><>

*   Section Title    ..The-Death-of-Money    .....
*   Section Address     ..     .....


To Page-Content





I /We don't usually publically expose anyone's personal content
of their Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient, however,
this example is so clear and the person being exposed
is such a master in his field that
he is strong enough and is wise enough
to understand the educational-value
of exposing one of his missing piece of consciousness.


To understand the source of money,
one must see it from both
the third-dimension,  physical perspective
and in the context of
The Fifth-Dimension-Consciousness.~

The 5th-D.  perspective  takes us into
the non-physical side of reality.
We'll examine money from the perspective of 
The Physics of Consciousness.~

In the 3rd-D., everything is based on
false, Newtonian physics~
which says that:
*   Everything is made of
     small pieces of  physical stuff.
*   That the Earth is a single, physical, objective  place
     that we come along and experience.

<><><><><>   <><><><><>

I/We recently listened to an audio presentation
from Dean
Graziosi about his understanding of
the fundamentals of money,
There was no mention of what money really is.

His perspective appears to be that 
money is simply a natural part of
God/Goddess's cosmic creation.
It is Not.!
Both Scarcity~ and Money~
are artificial creations of AI~
and several cartels of parasitic criminals
known as .the Cabal and as the Deep state.~
Scarcity and Money  are tools:
*   For stealing everybody's wealth and
*   For the enslavement of humanity.

*   His perspective is that money is
      an essential function of inter-human activities
     in the physical world.
     He says, if you want more money,
     let us teach you how to earn it
      using the third-dimension
     physical activities that we teach you.
*   There was no mention of anything
     on the non-physical side of reality,
     (Except pep rally kind of stuff.)

*   He appears to have not yet remembered
     that human thinking~ is the real source of
     creating anything and everything
     that we experience, here on Earth,
     including money and wealth.

*   He told us (with supporting evidence)
that money is one of humanity's
major sources of stress and its resultant
production of ill-health, grief, misery,
broken-relationships, and Sheyitt-Consciousness.~

His solution is to make more money
so that when a problem arises you can
just write a check and the problem will be gone.

His plan is for his clients  to earn  money
by creating and selling services and products
to We-The-People.

He is actually doing a great service to everybody
by teaching people how to
take care of themselves and each other.  
For that we say, "Dean, Thank you.  Thank you.   Thank you.".

However, there's about seven billion of us.
A few hundred of us might succeed by his plan, but
what about the other seven billion.  

And an additional missing piece of his full consciousness
is that his plan leaves the Cabal banking criminals~
still in complete control of our money system~
and  just abut everything else, as well.

<><><><><>   <><><><><>   <><><><><>

Is there a better way to resolve this problem/challenge.?
Of-coerce there is.

Let's look at solving all money problem
by going to its root cause.

First, we define the problem:
The root cause of our problems related to money are:
plain and easy to see once we look inside of
almost everybody's  Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient.~
We find the missing information.  (Described below)
We find that most people's source of stuckness
includes  Normalcy Bias~  along with Cabal-installed,
feelings of powerlessness.

The evidence tells us that we,
(Earth-Humans) are mind-controlled slaves. 
Our lives have been hijacked
by the Cabal criminal bankers.~
Our consciousness has been stolen.
Our minds  have been intentionally
filled with Sheyitt Consciousness.~

We have been lied to, conned  tricked, hoodwinked
fooled, deceived, mislead, and betrayed.
The secret intention of our so-called leaders 
is to keep us weak, distorted, dysfunctional, and ignorant.

There is almost nothing real in our entire
lives that has not been distorted, omitted,
or turned into  a farce.

Money is a fake fraudulent creation of the evil ones.
Money can only exist in a context of Scarcity~.
Scarcity only exists because
most people not yet know
What and Who Earth-Humans really are.~

Take away scarcity and there is
no longer any need  for money.
Here's the bottom line:
Money is a Cabal control tool~ for enslaving humanity.

Why do they do this.?
*   Because evil feeds itself on the low-vibration energy
     that radiated from a human body
     when the dweller in that body is experiencing
     stress, fear, anger, ,grief, misery, frustration,
     and any of the other low vibration energies.
*   Because the evil one are incompetent parasites.
     To survive, they need servants (wage-slaves)
     to do their bidding
*   The evil ones consider humans to be nothing  more than
     disposable mind-controlled slaves.

*   Here's just one example of the real problem:

<><><><><>   <><><><><>

Now, let's look at the solution;
The evidence-verified truth is that:
*   We live in a holographic reality.~
*   Everything we call physical is merely
     a multi-sensory representation
     of that which we call physical.
*   Everything physical  is based upon non-physical
     vibrations of consciousness.
*   We do not create money BY working.
     We create money WHILE working.
*   It's not our activities, it's emotion-laden-consciousness
    that creates / attracts the money.
*   Successful activities are merely
     inspired follow-ups to the creations of/by consciousness.

*   The end of money is the real solution
    to humanity's money problem:

     Find the path to the death of money  here:

The end of money is a Cosmic Certainty.
No other civilization i the entire galaxy uses money.
It's as certain as~
day follows night and night follows day.
It's only a matter of when it shows up,
and  when it shows up is a function of
what We-The-People do and don't do
 between now and the end of money.

If you want more information,
find a
n overview of the end of money process at

<><><><><>   <><><><><>

Almost nobody on the entire planet
is expressing their full potential.
For each of us, most of our universal truth
is still hidden in our personal Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient.~

Imagine how dramatically the United States  will change
 If and when We-The-People  wake up and

 realizes our full potential   and then choose to act upon it.

We ar NOT pointing fingers at Dean
or at anybody else who chooses Llove.
We Llove him and are deeply grateful
for what he is doing exact as  he is dong it.
Why.?   Because we are years ahead of
where we would be without him.
Dean,  We Llove you, we appreciate you and
we invite you to see the vast and wonderful future world 
we will have because you are in it, 
Thank you.   Thank you.   Thank you

Dean, if you want to see an example of your real potential,
See our message to Tony Robbins.
This is just one piece of the full potential
of you and Tony working as a team
Thank You.    Thank you.   THANK YOU.!

If you know Dean or if you know somebody who knows him
please invite him to read this message
If you do so, you will receive a very significant  reward
for you contribution to the well-being of humanity.

<><><>< 045  <>><><>

*   Section Title    ..Understanding-the-Source-of-Money.     .....
*   Section Address     ..     .....



F.R. 18-03-09


It's incredibly simple and easy.
Focus your point of attention on giving Llove.
Anyone and everyone can give Llove.
Giving Llove attracts receiving Llove
Everyone benefits.

For every giver of Llove,
     their must be a receives  of Llove.
Giving Llove is a natural/inherent aspect of humanity.
It Produces:
     *   More Llove,
     *   Personal Sovereignty,
     *   Collective Sovereignty.
     *   More Llove, and
     *   Financial Freedom,
         (Scarcity and money fade and die.)

Both giver and receiver experience Joy
Their collective  joy vibrates
as a flower sending the message:
Cum (feel orgasmic)  as you enjoy my honey.

The Universal Laws respond,
Like vibrations arrive and everybody's level of joy rises.

We continue giving Llove and
the Cycles of Joy continue to rise.
Soon we are vibrating so high that
low-vibration beings and AI can no longer reach us.

Everything about us and around us vibrates with us.
Soon, we notice ourselves
experiencing a mild-to moderate, state of being
in the family of Orgasmic Bliss.

Author's Note: I verify the above as truth.
I learned it from personal experience

Imagine experiencing
every aspect of your life at that level of Joy

This is also the pathway to reaching / accessing
The Living Library of Cosmic Knowledge.
A copy of this knowledge was stored here
to insure its safety.

Presently, almost all human-awareness
of the above pathway-to-Bliss
is completely missing from Human  Self-Awareness.
It lies hidden as content in
everybody's Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient

Join us.!  Be part of the team
that will guide humanity along this pathway.

<><><><><>   <><><><><>

Part #1
The First Universal Law of Llove.....
    The Way to receive Llove
          is to focus your attention
               on giving Llove.

Part #2
Monthly full moon celebrations o Life and Love
This is our first mass-education project of our new
Service to All Social Structure.~

Part  #3  
Collective, Single-Point Focus

<><><><><>   <><><><><>   <><><><><>

Having read the above story,
You now remember
a forgotten piece of your Soule's consciousness.
It's also what the evidence is telling  us.

Now, take a very-deep breath
and as you exhale, ask:
How am I going to respond to this.
finish your exhole,
pause the breath for a moment,  
 and allow your inner feelngs
to carry you where they will.
You will experience
the answer to this question
How am I  going to respond.?

<><><><  080  <>><><>

*   Section Title    ..First-Universal-Law-of-Llove.     3.....
*   Section Address     ..     .....


To Page-Content


F.R. 18-03-09

Missing-Piece #120


*   The Ultimate and Urgent Worthy Cause.
We Are FAILING to Prevent an Easily Avoidable,
but otherwise inevitable massive multi-level disaster.
   If we continue to ignore this looming disaster,
        IfWe continue to do nothing,  
              a trillion-Dollar Disaster
                   is inevitable ! ! !

Here's the solution

Now that you know   
     what you didn't know
          only a moment ago,   
               How are you going to respond
                    to this new information

<><><><  120 <>><><>

*   Section Title    .Urgent-Call-to-Action..     3
*   Section Address     ..     .....


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F.R. 18-03-09

Missing-Piece #434


Our process includes
       Mutual Support
                Single-Point Focus
                      Monthly, Full Moon Celebrations of Llove
Imagine 777 of the
*     most gifted,  
*     most powerful
*    most dedicated leaders of our human-awakening
      all cooperating as a single unified team
     and leading all the rest of humanity
     as millions of us 
     all focus on a single idea at the same time,
     each month at the time of the full moon.
*    Our collective creation power will  be
     beyond anything ever know before.

The collective thought power of We-The-People 
has already been proven. time and time again  
Examine the evidence:

Unity and mutual support Replaces  Separation
Separation is one of evil's major lies
Everything and everyone are part of
a single, universal whole.

Mutual Support is missing.  
When one looks closely  at this,
it's obvious that humans cannot survive
without the assistance of each other.

<><><><> 160  <><><><>

*   Section Title    .Cooperation-Mutual-Support..     .5....
*   Section Address     ..     .....


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C S 18-06-22

and Its National Support Network



We-The-People need to take back control of
producing/ growing/ distributing our own food
Here's why.

Here's our suggestion
The people with great  talent  and/or
who have made major  accomplishments
tend to have the most potent Ignorance/Idiot-Quotients

Tony Robbins
.is a Clear Example of this
Tony is one of the planets most successful masters
 in the  field of Life-Coaching, Self-Awakening,
and teaching clients how to both be of service and make money.

Tony is also passionate about feeding people.
He has provided the funding to pay for free meals
for over  a hundred  million people
in just the last year, alone.
Tony is about service, and for that,
we are sincerely grateful.

Here's  a major piece of his Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient:
With only a slight adjustment in his   Point of Focus~
relating to his passion about feeding people,
Tony has the capacity to be
and could easily be
and is the ideal person to be
 Point-Man in the creation of a new network of
Local-Community, Organic Food-Growing
and Distribution Centers
Along with their National Support System:
This program would and will also provide well-paying jobs
for anybody wiing to work.

Using his network,
We-The-People could learn how to feed ourselves,
that's feeding  350 million people three males a day for life,
     Tony   DOES   NOT  YET  realize his full potential.
     It's still hidden in his his personal Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient.~
     Imagine how dramatically the United States  will change
     If an when he he realizes his potential
     and then choose to act upon it.

If you can get through to Tony,
please inform him of his real, powerful potential.
If you do so, you will receive a very significant  reward
for you contribution to the well-being of humanity.

<><><><>  330   <><><><>
*   Section title:     .Local-Community-Organic-Gardens.    ....
*   Section Address:     ..     .....


To Page-Content



President-Trump     400

Thank you.!   Thank you.!  Thank you, President Trump.!
Your accomplishments have been  amazing.!

Also amazing are  the things you could have done, 

<><><><><>   <><><><><>

If and when  President Trump and the U.S. military
actually do get rid of the cabal criminals,
their success will be an absolute miracle.

President Trump 
Third-Dimension Genius
Fifth-Dimension Idiot

They are also completely ignorant regarding
how to end the thousands-of-years-old 
Cycles of War:

<><><><   <>><><>

*   Section Title    ...     .....
*   Section Address     ..     .....


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F.R. 18-03-09


Q.   Does my life have any meaning.?
     Does my life have any purpose.?

A.   Yes, it Does.
     You are here as part of God/Goddess's
     Planet Earth Recovery Team

Q.  I have no idea what I am supposed to do.

A.   Your job is incredibly simple.
     Practice the first and the sixth Lost Secrets of Llove
*1  First Universal Law of Llove.

*6   Our new social structure is Service to ALL

A.  When you begin, you'll soon learn
     if there is more for you to do.
     God/Goddess will open your heart
     and you'll know exactly what to do.
     Here's a hint:
     *    Do what excites your the most
     *   Do what makes yu feel really, really good.
     Let  your heart will guide your activities.

<><><><  177   <>><><>

*   Section Title    ..Why-We-Are-Here-on-Earth.     .....7
*   Section Address     ..     .....


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F.R. 18-03-09

Point-of-Focus .

"When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change."

That is true because the external world
that you are presently experiencing
is a multi-sensory illusion inside of
Source /Creator/ God/ Goddesses' cosmic holigraph
is a function of your consciousness, your perceptions
your thoughts your beliefs, your attitude, your behavior,
and the surrounding into which  you find yourself.

It's not made of physical stuff
*   It's made of consciousness.  
*   It's made of energy.
*   It's made of families of vibrations
*   It's also a function of electricity and magnetism
*   Everything in physical reality
     is in  a torus-energy-field structure
When you incarnated into physical form
you came into an existing, collective-consciousness

commonly know a life on planet Earth.
Within that context, you created absolutely
everything that you are experiencing

Tapping technique

***    Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient.

<><><>< 201  <>><><>

*   Section Title    ...     .....
*   Section Address     ..     .....



To Page-Content


F.R. 18-03-09


This is a False-Belief-Busting disclosure of
 an evidence-based truth that will open the door to
completely shattering several  major,
false belief about your life on Earth.

A massive amount of effort is being made
To keep something about the continent of Antarctica secret
The secrets have been disclosed.

Q.   Who is keeping vital information  secret.?
A.   The Cabal banking criminals nd their Controllers

Q.   From whom are they keeping the information.?
A.   We-The-People.

Q.  Why is the information being kept secret.?
A.   Because disclosure of this truth
      will reveal about a doze more major Cabal Lies.

Q.   What Major information are they keeping secret.?
A, We are inside of , not outside of the Antarctic Ice wall
A.  Antarctica is NOT a continent.
A.  It's an ice wall surrounding all the oceans
     on the entire Earth which are on one single flat plane
A.   Newtonian physics is a lie.
    We are not made of small pieces of physical stuff
A.  We Live in an electric Universe
     Everything is made of energy.
A.  Energy is controlled by consciousness
A.   You are part of the controlling consciusness.
A.  The Earth is in a torus energy field
A.  Gravity is Torus field energy
A.  There are no pictures of Earth from saace. 
     All of the so-called pictures of Earth from space
      are not pictures.
     They are artist-drawn Photoshop
     false images of Earth

Several teams of highly  skilled, professional researchers
have proven  with absolute certainty that 
alll the oceans oceans on the entire Earth
are on a single fat plane.
Examine the evidence

<><><>< 8  <>><><>

*   Section Title    ..Antarctic-Ice-Wall-Mystery-Solved
.     .....
*   Section Address     ..     .....



To Page-Content


F.R. 18-03-09


Catholic Christianity:
*   Devout Christians are
     the most strongly mind-controlled people on Earth.
*   When The Teaching of Jesus became popular,
     the evil ones  decided to turn it into
     a fourth-dimension, demonic religion.  
*   As much as possible, theey  ignored the
     teachings of jesus
*   They put together some of the writings of the day
     and created a demonic version of Catholicism.

They turned it into a powerful mind control prison
with lies such as
*   Humans are separate from God.
*   The more you suffer, the closer you are to God.
*   God in heaven in the sky above your head.
    An evil devil in hell beneath your feet.
     A constant war going on between he two
*   They literally took over control of the wesstern world
     And began wars with the muslims.

Fear ruled the world
Here's another of their powerful  mind-controlling lies
If you question your religion . . .
If you question church authority . . .
If you look at anything  different from what we teach you,
you could lose your faith
and burn in hell forever

In contrast to the above lies , we have
The truth as Jesus spoke it
and as is written in the Christian Bible   and
the principles of Universal Spirituality.

When offered to Christians,
both are simply ignored

*   Atheist are rebelling against
     a false definition of God/Goddess.
Both have major pieces of vital information missing.
That information remains hidden in their

I/We was raised in a devout catholic family,
so, I'm going to speak to the Christians and
invite the atheists to read this and discover
their missing piece of vital information.

The Roman Catholic Church (the Vatican in Rome)
ignores the teachings of Jesus.

They presents a fourth dimension,
demonic version of Christianity

<><><><   <>><><>

*   Section Title    ..Special-Message-to-Christians-and-Atheists   .....
*   Section Address     ..     .....


To Page-Content








F.R. 18-03-09

This Page Is a Work in Process

More will be added soon

*   As you can see, this page isa work in process.
You will also notice many typos

because as of this writing, 6 Jun 21
I have no editor and my vision -challenge
is one of the pieces of my Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient.

Connections-to -Each-Other
Contact information Suggestions
Mutual Support
Convex Earth
Chief Seattle




*1   Point of Focus 
     Most humans focus a huge portion of their attention
      on what is wrong,  on what is missing
     and on what the criminals are doing.

    Your Television is a Cabal, mind-control machine.

     The Universal Law of Thought  gives us more of
     what we think about, particularly
      when we are very emotional.

*2   Collective Single-Point Focus
       is the most powerful force in the entire Universe.
     Very few people understand
     the power of collective, human thought.~

*3  Cooperation / competition: 
     Humans have been mind-manipulated
     to focus on competition, fighting, and wars
     Cooperation is infinitely more productive.~

*4   Unity / Separation
     Separation is one of evil's major lies
     Everything and everyone are part of
     a single, universal whole.

*5   Mutual Support is missing.  
    When one looks closely  at this,
     it's obvious that humans cannot survive
     without the assistance of each other.

*6   Physical / Non-Physical
    We have been told that the non-physical reality is
    insignificant foolish, childish  imagination,
    when it is actually the source of
     absolutely everything in our  physical world.

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F.R. 18-03-09

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***   Example
Cycles of War
are a product of the consciousness of fear and violence

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F.R. 18-03-09

TContact information .


526   Trump   Genius & idiot
         Tools required to win a war of Consciousness

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Why do we have so many false beliefs
in or subconscious minds.?
Because our minds have been hijacked.
Cabal minion/slaves
have built the most successful prison
the universe has ever known.
An invisible prison of lies,   illusion,   false-beliefs,
highly-sophisticated-illusions,    money,      poisons in our food, 
poisons in our environment    and    much more
keeps almost all humans as mindless slaves,
The slaves have no idea that they are being mind-controlled.

Fortunately, step-by-step,  the truth is becoming known.
Evil's control system is being removed and
replaced by a growing understanding of
the truth about what and who Earth-Humans really are.~

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Example of a Cabal-Created, False Analogy:  
Individual Self Defense   Versus  Group Self Defense
*   We were programmed to believe that
     if you or your family are being attacked and are a abut to be
     injured of worse, it's OK to defend your self
     by  doing violence against your attacker.

*   We were also programmed to believe this fairytale
     If an evil cartel of criminal systematically
     murders people the threaten their control
     and We-The-People do likewise to them,
     then we are just like them,
     even though with everyone else
      we follow strict rue of ethics, morality, and legality

*    Here's a more sane policy.
     We intend to follow the rules of
     high standards of ethics, morality, and legality,
     But if your gang/cartel of criminals
     choose to violate ethics, morality, and legality
     We are going to respond to you using your rules.

     The way you treat us is the way we will treat you.
     And you can no longer say
     "I'm innocent because I did not
     pull the trigger or apply the poison.
     The person responsible for the crime being committed
      shall receive the retribution.

    At the end of WWII, Winston Churchill
     faced the problem of dealing with known war criminal
     who could never be convicted in a standard court of law.
     He authorized a team of special agents
     whose job was to eliminate known war criminals
     who could never be found guilty isa standard court of law.

*   This raises a question for which, we have no clear answer:
    When we understand the context of reincarnation,
     is capital punishment really punishment for a crime
     or is it, for the criminal,  simply a free ticket
     out of a very  bad situation.?

     This puts us in a situation in which
     we must choose an action in a context
     where we have incomplete information

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***  Social Conditioning
Don't be different.
Never go first., but if first is successful,
be second or as close as possible there-to.

Divide and Conquer. 

Cooperate and succeed
Every major success on the entire planet
has been accomplished by two or more humans
functioning in a mutual- support-dynamic.

Why Did We Forget.? 
Because in the process of remembering
we will put pieces of consciousness together
n ways that have never been done before.

We DO-NOT judge, blame, argue, fight, or create wars
because that would be giving
our life-force-energy ( our creation-power) to
low vibration Sheyitt-Consciousness.

Our job is:
*   To create the vibrations of Cooperation and Sharing.
*   To be expressions  Llove, Joy, and Compassion
*   To learn the power of Collective-Single-Point-Focus,
*   To share our talents and skills
     with all who choose Llove.

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F.R. 18-03-09

55IQ-TWO    Idiot-Quotient-Content


Thank you,
Blessings Be Llove   (love)

Robert Cote'  and  Aum   FahZoom

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