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Dimension  Consciousness






The Art of Arranging







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The Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient

The  Ignorance/Idiot Quotient
is that portion of your full,  Human-Consciousness
that you'd be wise to know, but you don't know      and
you don't know that you don't know.

For an introduction of the Ignorance/Idiot-Quotient,
please go to page One:  

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Feng Shui is the art of arranging physical things
to maximize their beneficial effect..
This process is applicable in home,  office, studio, 
shop, meeting hall and everywhere else

Information Source:
"How To Instantly Apply Feng Shui In Your Life" Masterclass by Marie Diamond - Live
Create a mental image and/or siuation to remember a good time.

Mind valley master class
Feng Shui with Marie Diamond

3)    Feng Shui is the art of harnessing energy to create
     harmony within yourself and your surroundings.
4)   In Feng Shui, each person is considered to have
       4 lucky directions and four unlucky directions
5)   There are three parts to the law of Attraction
      feng shui is the missing piece
      1)         2)  mind     30  feng shi

Five Fundamentals of Feng Shui
 1)  power position  
*   The ideal position for my bed and my desk
     is based upon my date of birth.
*   Desk, Be able to see the door when I work ,
      sleep or anything else  
     Facing the door creates opportunities.  
     Wealth comes in through he door ,
     NOT through the window
     *   make sure your back is supported
          and there is n emptiness behind me.
2)   De-clutter my space
     Everything around me influences me 24/7
     The more space I have for energy to flow,
     the more good things can come to me

      *  focus on different topics in different areas of my home
          Have the content in each area
          relevant to what occurs in that area.
           Imbue every space with its own energetic dynamic
          Romance/sex     prayer / meditation      food    
          Office    work shop    
          Does each area makefme eel good about that topic in my life

NO mirrors in the kitchen
         the essence of the energy in the objecteds in my space
         Imagine that everything around you
           is really alive and emitting its own energy.
            My subconscious mind does not distinguish between
         images of something and the actual physical object, itslf.

3)   Adding colors.   Colors spark life.
     Our lives tend to be too bland.  Add Color
       Find colors related to my date of birth
       Gold is a good color for abundance
       Pictures ins gold colored
         Rose red for Llove.
Have NO pictures of water in the bedroom
Wateere is an active element. 
It's a life force giving element.
Water pics are good in office and living room
Water salso emotional

4)   Mirrors:  Mirrors double the space. and doubl the heenergy
     NO mirrors facing my bed
     The best place for mirrors is where there is active energy happening
     Good in dining area,   it  doubles the food
        Ask self, "What is my mirror doubling?
IN office NOT opposite of door.   Put mirror on side walls

5)   Remove sharp edge and tings that have points
like arrows an cactus
Sharp edges affect your energy field.
Sharp edges can lead to conflict
Curves are feminine, soft,  warm   welcoming.
Curves and round objects create harmony

I cannot create harmony if I am in conflict with myself.
Become aware of the context t
ASk ,"What can i change here hat willl make

Royal Blue    power and protection.
Rose red    Unconditional support of the Universe
  to create the magic relationships i my life.
I am the Llove of the Universe.

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.Thank you,
Blessings Be Llove   (love)

Robert Cote'  aka  Aum   FahZoom

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Adventures into Fifth Dimension Consciousness
Robert Cote'   aka   Aum FahZoom

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